Strengthening the regulatory authority of the NCHE to effectively manage the higher education sector. Under this strategic objective, we intend to establish a modernized headquarters from whence the NCHE will adequately and passionately coordinate and administer the activities of higher education.  This campaign is well progressing, with two (2) acres of land already acquired, deeded and probated, thanks to the University of Liberia family, led by Rev. Dr. Julius Sarwolo Nelson, Jr., former President of the University of Liberia, for granting us the land.  We have also submitted our request to the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China for assistance to construct the office building for the NCHE.  We are following up on this request, while seeking other means for funding.

Under this objective also, we intend to revise the 1989 Act that created the National Commission on Higher Education as a means to build and upgrade the statutory capacity of the Commission for effective performance.  Our analyses and observations of past and current realities point to the need for elevating the NCHE to an autonomous agency with the head having a Cabinet level staus like the Civil Service Agency or the General Services Agency, to be able to achieve its colossal mandates.  This is in line with international best practices, which call for higher education to be managed by an autonomous agency with the head or Executive Director having cabinet status.  As part of this objective, also, we will develop and roll out code of conduct for higher education staff to guide against unwholesome conducts in the discharge of their duties.